The SQLite INNER JOIN is a join where the values in the join columns are compared using an equals comparison operator. An inner join returns all rows from both tables that match the specified join condition. Syntax The SQLite INNER JOIN syntax is as follows: SELECT column1, column2, … FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON…(Continue Reading)
Author: sqlitetutor_obng7r
The SQLite IN operator is used to check if a given value is contained within a set of values. When you run a query with the IN operator, the given column will be checked and if at least one value from the set of values is found, then the query will one or more records.…(Continue Reading)
The SQLite LIKE operator is used to match a specific pattern. If the pattern matches, then the query returns rows. Syntax The SQLite LIKE syntax is as follows: SELECT column_name1, column_name2, … FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE pattern; Example Table of student_address address_id city country 100 San Antonio US 101 San Jose US 102 Philadelphia…(Continue Reading)
The SQLite BETWEEN clause is used to extract values within a given range. SQLite BETWEEN has the same syntax as in SQL Server, it is used for records between two defined values. Note that BETWEEN is written after the WHERE clause, and uses the AND clause to fix the given range. Syntax The SQLite BETWEEN…(Continue Reading)
The SQLite WHERE condition is used in a query consisting of one or more tables to return the records that meet the conditions immediately after it. Syntax The SQLite WHERE syntax is as follows: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE condition; Example For example, to return the students with the first name Charlotte from students table,…(Continue Reading)
SQLite Drop Trigger
In this article we will show how to drop a trigger in SQLite database using the DROP TRIGGER statement. There are two ways to drop a trigger from the SQLite database. The first way is when you want to delete a specified trigger, use the DROP TRIGGER statement, followed by the name of the trigger.…(Continue Reading)