In this article we will show how to drop a view in SQLite database using the DROP VIEW statement. The DROP VIEW statement followed by a view name drops the view from the SQLite database. When a view is deleted, the optional IF EXISTS clause can be used so as to avoid a possible error…(Continue Reading)
Author: sqlitetutor_obng7r
SQLite Drop Table
In this article we will show how to drop a table in SQLite database using the DROP TABLE statement. The DROP TABLE statement followed by a table name drops the table from the SQLite database. Using the optional IF EXISTS clause avoids a possible error that would result if the table we want to delete…(Continue Reading)
SQLite Create Trigger
The SQLite CREATE TRIGGER command is used to create and add triggers to the SQLite database. Triggers are database operations that run automatically when a specified database event occurs. The trigger will be executed when an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation is performed on a table. The syntax to create a SQLite trigger is as…(Continue Reading)
SQLite Create View
Views are a great way to simplify complex SQL queries, and they can be used to hide sensitive information from users who should not have access to it. Creating a view does not actually create a new table; it simply creates a new way of looking at an existing table. Views are sometimes also referred…(Continue Reading)
SQLite Create Table
In this article we will show how to create a table in SQLite database using the CREATE TABLE statement. SQLite allows the creation of a table with different options such as: defining primary key and foreign key, adding uniqueness constraints, NOT NULL, checks, autoincrement, defining column with default value. Also using SQLite you can create…(Continue Reading)
SQLite Select distinct
SQLite SELECT DISTINCT is a useful way to make sure your data is clean and free of duplicates. It’s also a good way to find unique values in a column or combination of columns. SQLite select distinct can be used to remove duplicate records from a table. Syntax SELECT DISTINCT * FROM table_name; This would…(Continue Reading)